Misorientations Group

  • Misorientation
  • MisorientationStats

  • Misorientation

    Misorientation - Return misorientation data for quaternions.


    [angle, mis] = Misorientation(q1, q2, sym)

    Interactive Documentation

     Misorientation - Return misorientation data for quaternions.
       angle = Misorientation(q1, q2, sym)
       [angle, mis] = Misorientation(q1, q2, sym)
       q1 is 4 x n1, 
          is either a single quaternion or a list of n quaternions
       q2 is 4 x n,  
          a list of quaternions
       angle is 1 x n, 
             the list of misorientation angles between q2 and q1
       mis   is 4 x n, (optional) 
             is a list of misorientations in the fundamental region 
             (there are many equivalent choices)
       *  The misorientation is the linear tranformation which
          takes the crystal basis given by q1 to that given by
          q2.  The matrix of this transformation is the same
          in either crystal basis, and that is what is returned
          (as a quaternion).  The result is inverse(q1) * q2.
          In the sample reference frame, the result would be
          q2 * inverse(q1).  With symmetries, the result is put
          in the fundamental region, but not into the Mackenzie cell.


    MisorientationStats - Misorientation correlation statistics.


    stats = MisorientationStats(misorient, locations)

    Interactive Documentation

     MisorientationStats - Misorientation correlation statistics.
       stats = MisorientationStats(misorient, locations)
       misorient is 4 x n, 
                 a list of misorientation quaternions,
                 assumed to have been derived from properly clustered 
                 orientation data
       locations is d x n, (d <= 3) 
                 a list of spatial locations corresponding to the 
       stats is a structure with five components:
             W     is a 3 x 3 matrix (A in Barton paper)
             X     is a d x d matrix (M in Barton paper)
             WX    is a 3 x d matrix (cross-correlation
                        of normalized variables; X in
                        Barton paper)
             wi    is 3 x n, the unnormalized axial vectors
             xi    is d x n, the unnormalized spatial directions
                             from the centroid
       "A Methodology for Determining Average Lattice Orientation and 
       Its Application to the  Characterization of Grain Substructure",
       Nathan R. Barton and Paul R. Dawson,
       Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,
       Volume 32A, August 2001, pp. 1967--1975