Graphics Group

  • PlotFR
  • PlotFRPerimeter
  • PlotFRSlices
  • PlotSphere
  • PlotSphereQuadrants
  • PlotSurface

  • PlotFR

    PlotFR - Plot a function on a fundamental region.


    PlotFR(mesh, odf, varargin)

    Interactive Documentation

     PlotFR - Plot a function on a fundamental region.
       PlotFR(mesh, odf)
       PlotFR(mesh, odf 'param', 'value', ...)
       mesh is a MeshStructure:
               describing the fundamental region to be plotted
       odf  is a vector of reals:, 
               it contains nodal point values of the function to be
               plotted;  the values are expected only for the 
               independent nodes of the mesh
       These arguments can be followed by a list of
       parameter/value pairs which control certain plotting 
       features.  Options are:
       'Symmetries'       string indicating symmetries of the FR
                          {'cubic'} | 'hexagonal'
       'ShowMesh'         on | {off}
                          to show mesh lines on the surface plot
       'Colormap'         ncolors x 3  (RGB)
                          to specify the figure's colormap; 
                          the default colormap is a brightened
                          version of `jet'
       'BrightenColormap' scalar between 0 and 1 (default=0)
                          factor for brightening the colormap;
                          a value of 0 does nothing, a value
                          of 1 makes everything white
       'NumberOfColors'   positive integer (default = 64)
                          number of colors to use in default colormap
       OUTPUT:  none
       *  This function makes a figure containing side-by-side 
          plots of the surface of the given fundamental region and of 
          slices through it, with a common colorbar in the middle.


    PlotFRPerimeter - Plot perimeter of fundamental region.


    perim =  PlotFRPerimeter(symtype)

    Interactive Documentation

     PlotFRPerimeter - Plot perimeter of fundamental region.
       perim =  PlotFRPerimeter(symtype)
       symtype is a string,
               indicating the fundamental region type; possible
               values are:  'cubic'|'hexagonal'; if the symmetry
               type is not recognized, a warning is issued
       perim is a column vector of line handles:
                it contains handles to the lines outlining each face,
                as returned by the matlab `plot3' function
       * set `hold' to on


    PlotFRSlices - Plot slices of the fundamental region.


    PlotFRSlices(mesh, odf, type, planes)

    Interactive Documentation

     PlotFRSlices - Plot slices of the fundamental region.
       PlotFRSlices(mesh, odf, type)
       PlotFRSlices(mesh, odf, type, planes)
       mesh is a MeshStructure,
            on the given fundamental region
       odf  is a vector,
            the odf values at the independent nodal points of `mesh'
       type is a string, (optional, default: 'cubic')
            indicating the symmetry type; possible values are
            'cubic' | 'hexagonal'; the slices to display
            are based on the type
       planes is an array of structures, (optional)
            each structure is expected to have components 'Point'
            and 'Normal' characterizing a plane;  if specified,
            this overrides the `type' input
       OUTPUT:  none


    PlotSphere - Plot a function (pole figure) on the Sphere


    PlotSphere(smesh, pf, varargin)

    Interactive Documentation

     PlotSphere - Plot a function (pole figure) on the Sphere
       PlotSphere(smesh, pf)
       PlotSphere(smesh, pf, 'param', 'value', ...)
       smesh is a MeshStructure,
             on the sphere (the usual one)
       pf    is a vector, 
             the nodal point values of thefunction (pole figure) to plot
       These arguments can be followed by a list of
       parameter/value pairs which control certain plotting 
       features.  Options are:
       'ShowMesh'         on|{off}
                          to show mesh lines
       'ShowQuadrants'    {on}|off
                          to show quadrant divisions on
                          the sphere
       'UpperHemisphere'  on|{off}
                          to limit quadrant divisions to 
                          only the upper hemisphere; this only
                          applies if 'ShowQuadrants' is in
       'Colormap'         ncolors x 3  (RGB)
                          to specify the figure's colormap; 
                          the default colormap is a brightened
                          version of `jet'
       'ShowColorBar'     on|{off}
                          to display a colorbar or not
       OUTPUT:  none
       *  `hold on' is in effect following this routine


    PlotSphereQuadrants - Outline quadrants on unit sphere


    PlotSphereQuadrants(ndiv, upper)

    Interactive Documentation

     PlotSphereQuadrants - Outline quadrants on unit sphere
       PlotSphereQuadrants(ndiv, upper)
       ndiv  is a positive integer, 
             the number of points per circle
       upper is a positive integer, (optional, default=0) 
             if nonzero, only the upper half is drawn
       OUTPUT:  none


    PlotSurface - Plot a function on surface in 3d.


    PlotSurface(smesh, sfun, varargin)

    Interactive Documentation

     PlotSurface - Plot a function on surface in 3d.
       PlotSurface(smesh, sfun)
       PlotSurface(smesh, sfun, 'param', 'value', ...)
       smesh is a MeshStructure,
             on a 2D surface in 3D
       sfun  is a vector, 
             the values on the nodes of the surface mesh
       These arguments can be followed by a list of
       parameter/value pairs which control certain plotting 
       features.  Options are:
       'ShowMesh'    on|{off}
                     to show the edges of the mesh
       OUTPUT:  none
       *  This routine calls `trimesh' with interpolated face color.